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Digital Literacy

What is Digital Literacy?

Digital literacy instruction in Adams 12 Five Star Schools addresses the skills that our students need to be productive, successful citizens in the 21st century. 

Digital Literacy includes:

Information Literacy - ­ the ability to find relevant information; the ability to evaluate information for reliability and validity; the ability to use information to draw conclusions or create a product
Technology Literacy ­-  the ability to select and use a variety of software, applications, mobile devices, and online tools and programs to produce digital products
Digital Citizenship ­- the ability to use technology (online programs and sites, computers, and mobile devices) appropriately and responsibly



Adam's 12 has purchased licenses to a program called GoGuardian Teacher that supports students with their technology use. At Riverdale our staff is committed to creating scholars that are digital citizens, and GoGuardian Teacher is a tool that our staff can access to encourage healthy online habits. Staff that are using GoGuardian Teacher can use it to monitor the tabs a student has open to help with focus, as well as ensure the student is staying on task. 

More information can be found by clicking on the link below. 



If you have any questions please reach out to your scholar's classroom teacher or our Digital Literacy Partner Kari Delaney



Student-created videos how to access and use technology

“Digital literacy is the ability to understand information and – more important – to evaluate and integrate information in multiple formats that the computer can deliver. Being able to evaluate and interpret information is critical […] you can’t understand information you find on the Internet without evaluating its sources and placing it in context”.

~ Paul Gilster